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Relation queries

A key feature of Prisma Client is the ability to query relations between two or more models. Relation queries include:

Nested reads

Nested reads allow you to read related data from multiple tables in your database - such as a user and that user's posts. You can:

  • Use include to include related records, such as a user's posts or profile, in the query response.
  • Use a nested select to include specific fields from a related record. You can also nest select inside an include.

The following example returns a single user and that user's posts:

final user = await prisma.user.findFirst(
  include: UserInclude(
    posts: PrismaUnion.$1(true),

Include all fields for a specific relation

The following example returns a post and its author:

final user = await
  include: PostInclude(
    author: PrismaUnion.$1(true),

Include deeply nested relations

You can nest include options to include relations of relations. The following example returns a user's posts, and each post's categories:

final user = await prisma.user.findFirst(
  include: UserInclude(
    posts: PrismaUnion.$2(
        include: PostInclude(
          categories: PrismaUnion.$1(true),

Select specific relation fields

You can use a nested select to choose a subset of relation fields to return. For example, the following query returns the user's name and the title of each related post:

final user = await prisma.user.findFirst(
  select: UserSelect(
    name: true,
    posts: PrismaUnion.$2(
        select: PostSelect(title: true),

You can also nest a select inside an include - the following example returns all User fields and the title field of each post:

final user = await prisma.user.findFirst(
  include: UserInclude(
    posts: PrismaUnion.$2(
        select: PostSelect(title: true),

Note that you cannot use select and include on the same level. This means that if you choose to include a user's post and select each post's title, you cannot select only the user's email:

final user = await prisma.user.findFirst(
    select: UserSelect( // This won't work!
        email: true,
    include: UserInclude( // This won't work!
        posts: PrismaUnion.$2(
            select: PostSelect(title: true),

Instead, use nested select options:

final user = await prisma.user.findFirst(
  select: UserSelect(
    name: true,
    posts: PrismaUnion.$2(
        select: PostSelect(title: true),

Relation count

you can include or select a count of relations alongside fields - for example, to return a user for example, a user's post count:

final relationCount = await prisma.user.findMany(
  include: UserInclude(
    $count: PrismaUnion.$2(
        select: UserCountOutputTypeSelect(posts: true),

Filter a list of relations

When you use select or include to return a subset of the related data, you can filter and sort the list of relations inside the select or include.

For example, the following query returns all users and a list of titles of the unpublished posts associated with each user:

final filterListOfRelations = await prisma.user.findFirst(
  select: UserSelect(
    posts: PrismaUnion.$2(
        where: PostWhereInput(
          published: PrismaUnion.$2(false),
        orderBy: PrismaUnion.$2(
            title: SortOrder.asc,
        select: PostSelect(title: true),

You can also write the same query using include as follows:

final filterListOfRelationsInclude = await prisma.user.findFirst(
  include: UserInclude(
    posts: PrismaUnion.$2(
        where: PostWhereInput(
          published: PrismaUnion.$2(false),
        orderBy: PrismaUnion.$2(
            title: SortOrder.asc,

Nested writes

A nested write allows you to write relational data to your database in a single transaction.

Nested writes:

  • Provide transactional guarantees for creating, updating or deleting data across multiple tables in a single Prisma Client query. If any part of the query fails (for example, creating a user succeeds but creating posts fails), Prisma Client rolls back all changes.
  • Support any level of nesting supported by the data model.
  • Are available for relation fields when using the model's create or update query. The following section shows the nested write options that are available per query.

You can create a record and one or more related records at the same time. The following query creates a User record and two related Post records:

final createRelatedRecord = await prisma.user.create(
  data: PrismaUnion.$1(
      email: "",
      name: PrismaUnion.$1("Elsa"),
      posts: PostCreateNestedManyWithoutAuthorInput(
        create: PrismaUnion.$2(
              title: "Join the Resistance",
              title: "Join the Resistance 2",
  include: UserInclude(
    posts: PrismaUnion.$1(true),

There are two ways to create or update a single record and multiple related records - for example, a user with multiple posts:

  • Use a nested create query to create the related records.
  • Use a nested createMany query to create the related records.

Each technique has pros and cons:

Creates one record at a timePotentially less performant.
Creates all records in one queryPotentially more performant.
Supports nesting additional relations*For example, you can create a user, several posts, and several comments per post in one query. * You can manually set a foreign key in a has-one relation - for example: { authorId: 9}
Supports skipping duplicate recordsUse skipDuplicates query option.
Supports has-many relationsFor example, you can create a user and multiple posts (one user has many posts)
Supports many-to-many relationsFor example, you can create a post and several categories (one post can have many categories, and one category can have many posts)

The following query uses nested create to create:

  • One user
  • Two posts for that user
  • One post category for each post

The example uses a nested include include all posts and post categories:

await prisma.user.create(
  data: PrismaUnion.$1(
      email: "",
      name: PrismaUnion.$1("Vivian"),
      posts: PostCreateNestedManyWithoutAuthorInput(
        create: PrismaUnion.$2(
              title: "Join the Resistance",
              categories: CategoryCreateNestedManyWithoutPostsInput(
                create: PrismaUnion.$1(
                  CategoryCreateWithoutPostsInput(name: "Easy cooking"),
              title: "Join the Resistance 2",
  include: UserInclude(
    posts: PrismaUnion.$2(
        include: PostInclude(
          categories: PrismaUnion.$1(true),

The following query uses a nested createMany to create:

  • One user
  • Two posts for that user

The example uses a nested include to include all posts:

await prisma.user.create(
  data: PrismaUnion.$1(
      email: "",
      posts: PostCreateNestedManyWithoutAuthorInput(
        createMany: PostCreateManyAuthorInputEnvelope(
          data: PrismaUnion.$2([
            PostCreateManyAuthorInput(title: "My first post"),
            PostCreateManyAuthorInput(title: "My second post"),
  include: UserInclude(
    posts: PrismaUnion.$1(true),

NOTE: It is not possible to nest an additional create or createMany inside the highlighted query, which means that you cannot create a user, posts, and post categories at the same time.

You cannot access relations in a createMany query, which means that you cannot create multiple users and multiple posts in a single nested write. The following is not possible:

await prisma.user.createMany(
  data: PrismaUnion.$2([
      email: "",
      name: PrismaUnion.$1("Yewande"),
      // posts: ... // Not possible to create posts! Type-safe, not `posts` field on `UserCreateManyInput`
      email: "",
      name: PrismaUnion.$1("Noor"),
      // posts: ... // Not possible to create posts! Type-safe, not `posts` field on `UserCreateManyInput`

Connect multiple records

The following query creates (create) a new User record and connects that record (connect) to three existing posts:

await prisma.user.create(
  data: PrismaUnion.$1(
      email: '',
      posts: PostCreateNestedManyWithoutAuthorInput(
        connect: PrismaUnion.$2([
          PostWhereUniqueInput(id: 1),
          PostWhereUniqueInput(id: 2),
          PostWhereUniqueInput(id: 3),
          // ... More `PostWhereUniqueInput` objects
  include: UserInclude(
    posts: PrismaUnion.$1(true),


Prisma Client throws an exception if any of the post records cannot be found:

connect: [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }, { id: 3 }]

Connect a single record

You can connect an existing record to a new or existing user. The following query connects an existing post (id: 11) to an existing user (id: 9)

await prisma.user.update(
  where: UserWhereUniqueInput(id: 9),
  data: PrismaUnion.$1(
      posts: PostUpdateManyWithoutAuthorNestedInput(
        connect: PrismaUnion.$1(
          PostWhereUniqueInput(id: 11),
  include: UserInclude(
    posts: PrismaUnion.$1(true),

Connect or create a record

If a related record may or may not already exist, use connectOrCreate to connect the related record:

Connect a User with the email address or Create a new User with the email address if the user does not already exist

  data: PrismaUnion.$1(
      title: "My first post",
      author: UserCreateNestedOneWithoutPostsInput(
        connectOrCreate: UserCreateOrConnectWithoutPostsInput(
          where: UserWhereUniqueInput(email: ""),
          create: PrismaUnion.$1(
              email: "",
              name: PrismaUnion.$1("Viola"),
  include: PostInclude(
    author: PrismaUnion.$1(true),

To disconnect one out of a list of records (for example, a specific blog post) provide the ID or unique identifier of the record(s) to disconnect:

await prisma.user.update(
  where: UserWhereUniqueInput(id: 10),
  data: PrismaUnion.$1(
      posts: PostUpdateManyWithoutAuthorNestedInput(
        disconnect: PrismaUnion.$2([
          PostWhereUniqueInput(id: 11),
          PostWhereUniqueInput(id: 12),
  include: UserInclude(
    posts: PrismaUnion.$1(true),

To disconnect one record (for example, a post's author), use disconnect: PrismaUnion.$1(true):

  where: PostWhereUniqueInput(id: 11),
  data: PrismaUnion.$1(
      author: UserUpdateOneWithoutPostsNestedInput(
        disconnect: PrismaUnion.$1(true),
  include: PostInclude(
    author: PrismaUnion.$1(true),

To disconnect all related records in a one-to-many relation (a user has many posts), set the relation to an empty list as shown:

await prisma.user.update(
  where: UserWhereUniqueInput(id: 10),
  data: PrismaUnion.$1(
      posts: PostUpdateManyWithoutAuthorNestedInput(
        set: PrismaUnion.$2([]),

Delete all related Post records for a specific User:

await prisma.user.update(
  where: UserWhereUniqueInput(id: 10),
  data: PrismaUnion.$1(
      posts: PostUpdateManyWithoutAuthorNestedInput(
        deleteMany: PrismaUnion.$1(

Update a user by deleting all unpublished posts:

await prisma.user.update(
  where: UserWhereUniqueInput(id: 10),
  data: PrismaUnion.$1(
      posts: PostUpdateManyWithoutAuthorNestedInput(
        deleteMany: PrismaUnion.$1(
            published: PrismaUnion.$2(false),

Update a user by deleting specific posts:

await prisma.user.update(
  where: UserWhereUniqueInput(id: 10),
  data: PrismaUnion.$1(
      posts: PostUpdateManyWithoutAuthorNestedInput(
        deleteMany: PrismaUnion.$2([
          PostScalarWhereInput(id: PrismaUnion.$2(11)),
          PostScalarWhereInput(id: PrismaUnion.$2(7)),

You can use a nested updateMany to update all related records for a particular user. The following query unpublishes all posts for a specific user:

await prisma.user.update(
  where: UserWhereUniqueInput(id: 10),
  data: PrismaUnion.$1(
      posts: PostUpdateManyWithoutAuthorNestedInput(
        updateMany: PrismaUnion.$1(
            where: PostScalarWhereInput(
              published: PrismaUnion.$2(true),
            data: PrismaUnion.$1(
                published: PrismaUnion.$1(false),

Relation filters

Filter on "-to-many" relations

Prisma Client provides the some, every and none options to filter records by the properties of related records on the "-to-many" side of the relation. For example, filtering users based on properties of their posts.

For example:

RequirementQuery option to use
"I want a list of every User that has at least one unpublished Post record"some posts are unpublished
"I want a list of every User that has no unpublished Post records"none of the posts are unpublished
"I want a list of every User that has only unpublished Post records"every post is unpublished

For example, the following query returns User that meet the following criteria:

  • No posts with more than 100 views
  • All posts have less than, or equal to 50 likes
await prisma.user.findMany(
  where: UserWhereInput(
    posts: PostListRelationFilter(
      none: PostWhereInput(
        views: PrismaUnion.$1(
          IntFilter(gt: PrismaUnion.$1(100)),
      every: PostWhereInput(
        likes: PrismaUnion.$1(
          IntFilter(lte: PrismaUnion.$1(50)),

Filter on "-to-one" relations

Prisma Dart Client provides the $is and isNot options to filter records by the properties of related records on the "-to-one" side of the relation. For example, filtering posts based on properties of their author.

For example, the following query returns all posts that meet the following criteria:

  • Author's name is not Bob
  • Author is older than 40
  where: PostWhereInput(
    author: PrismaUnion.$1(
        isNot: PrismaUnion.$1(
            name: PrismaUnion.$2(
        $is: PrismaUnion.$1(
            age: PrismaUnion.$1(
                gt: PrismaUnion.$1(40),

Filter on absence of "-to-many" records

For example, the following query uses none return all users that have zero posts:

await prisma.user.findMany(
  where: UserWhereInput(
    posts: PostListRelationFilter(
      none: PostWhereInput(),

Filter on absence of "-to-one" relations

The following query returns all posts that don't have an author relation:

  where: PostWhereInput(
    author: PrismaUnion.$2(
      PrismaUnion.$2(const PrismaNull()),

The following query returns all users with at least one post:

await prisma.user.findMany(
  where: UserWhereInput(
    posts: PostListRelationFilter(
      some: PostWhereInput(),

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