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Install Prisma Dart Client, you need to create a prisma/schema.prisma file in your project. This file is the core file of Prisma, which defines your data model and database connection.

bun prisma init --generator-provider="dart run orm"
npx prisma init --generator-provider="dart run orm"
pnpx prisma init --generator-provider="dart run orm"

--datasource-provider Option is not required, because Prisma Dart Client will automatically generate the datasource configuration for you:

postgresqlInitialize a PostgreSQL databasenpx prisma init --datasource-provider=postgresql
mysqlInitialize a MySQL databasenpx prisma init --datasource-provider=mysql
sqliteInitialize a SQLite databasenpx prisma init --datasource-provider=sqlite
sqlserverInitialize a SQL Server databasenpx prisma init --datasource-provider=sqlserver
mongodbInitialize a MongoDB databasenpx prisma init --datasource-provider=mongodb
cockroachdbInitialize a CockroachDB databasenpx prisma init --datasource-provider=cockroachdb

Initiated, the following files will appear in your project directory:

├── prisma
│   └─── schema.prisma
└─── .env

Dart project dependencies

Your project's pubspec.yaml file should look like this:

name: your_project_name
description: your_project_description
  orm: latest
  // ...
dev_dependencies: ...

Dot env file .env

The .env file is used to store environment variables. It should look like this:

# Environment variables declared in this file are automatically made available to Prisma.
# See the documentation for more detail:

# Prisma supports the native connection string format for PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, SQL Server, MongoDB and CockroachDB.
# See the documentation for all the connection string options:


Prisma schema file prisma/schema.prisma

Initialised, the prisma/schema.prisma file should look like this:

// This is your Prisma schema file,
// learn more about it in the docs:

generator client {
  provider = "dart run orm"

datasource db {
  provider = "postgresql"
  url      = env("DATABASE_URL")


Generate the Prisma Dart client by running the following command:

bun prisma init --generator-provider="dart run orm"
npx prisma generate
pnpx prisma generate

This will generate the Prisma Dart client in your defined output directory.

Default output directory is prisma/generated_dart_client/.

The following files will be generated:

  • client.dart - The Prisma client implementation.
  • model.dart - Your Prisma schema models, views and enums.
  • prisma.dart - Auto-generated Prisma client types.

Instantiating Prisma Client

You can instantiate the Prisma client by importing the generated client.dart file and calling the PrismaClient constructor:

import 'prisma/generated_dart_client/client.dart';

final prisma = PrismaClient();

If you are using it in a command line application or an application that does not have error interception and will exit the process if an exception is thrown, we recommend wrapping it with the following structure:

final prisma = PrismaClient();

void main(List<String> args) async {
    try { 
        // Your code here
    } catch (e) {
        // Handle error here
    } finally {
        await prisma.$disconnect();

Why need try/catch using finally wrapper?

Currently, the Prisma Dart client only supports binary engine. When you execute the first query or call prisma.$connect(), the client will automatically start the engine process. When you call prisma.$disconnect(), the client will automatically close the engine process.

If you don't wrap try/catch in your application, when your application throws an exception, the engine process will not be closed, which will cause the engine process to run until you manually close it in the process manager of the system.

Currently, I have not found a good way to automatically close the engine process. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to issue or create a PR for it.

Released under the BSD-3-Clause License